Uncategorized | Green ISP News https://www.greenisp.net/blog Green ISP News and stories, subscribe to news Sat, 03 Nov 2018 14:20:56 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Be aware of email Extortion scam – latest. https://www.greenisp.net/blog/be-aware-of-email-extortion-scam-latest/ Sat, 03 Nov 2018 14:20:54 +0000 https://www.greenisp.net/blog/?p=628 Be careful of this Extortion / Sextortion scam? These scams are made to appear all the more credible because they provide seemingly plausible technical details about how this was achieved, and the phish can sometimes also include the individual’s recognizable old unused password. Phishes are designed to play on people’s emotions so that they will […]

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Be careful of this Extortion / Sextortion scam?

These scams are made to appear all the more credible because they provide seemingly plausible technical details about how this was achieved, and the phish can sometimes also include the individual’s recognizable old unused password.

Phishes are designed to play on people’s emotions so that they will behave in a way which is out of character, and scams such as this are no different.

The phisher is gambling that enough people will respond so that their scam is profitable; they do not know if you have a webcam, have been visiting adult websites, or the means by which you communicate with people – in short, they are guessing.

More Info Here.





Green ISP Customer Services

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More or Moore on Carbon Nano Tube application https://www.greenisp.net/blog/more-or-moore-on-carbon-nano-tube-application/ Sat, 12 Sep 2015 07:59:38 +0000 http://www.greenisp.net/blog/?p=524 Moore’s Law is one of the least reported stories in technology today. That old canard says that the number of transistors that’s possible to fit onto a chip will double every two years. That,s when using Silicone that is? To add to our Previous Post about what Carbon Nano Tubes could do and how they are […]

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Moore’s Law is one of the least reported stories in technology today.

That old canard says that the number of transistors that’s possible to fit onto a chip will double every two years.

That,s when using Silicone that is?

To add to our Previous Post about what Carbon Nano Tubes could do and how they are made and could cone from, here’s another possible application.

See this


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If you don’t know what TTIP is? then Green ISP really thinks you should? https://www.greenisp.net/blog/if-you-dont-know-what-ttip-is-then-green-isp-really-thinks-you-should/ https://www.greenisp.net/blog/if-you-dont-know-what-ttip-is-then-green-isp-really-thinks-you-should/#comments Wed, 12 Feb 2014 16:26:59 +0000 http://www.greenisp.net/blog/?p=473 Hi there again. If you don’t know what TTIP is, then we at green ISP really think you should? Especially if you wish to have a say in your future and the Environment especially. The US/EU Trade and Investment partnership (TTIP), called Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA) in the US, is a bilateral ‘trade’ agreement […]

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Hi there again.

If you don’t know what TTIP is, then we at green ISP really think you should? Especially if you wish to have a say in your future and the Environment especially.

The US/EU Trade and Investment partnership (TTIP), called Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA) in the US, is a bilateral ‘trade’ agreement between the US and the EU. (The EU shifted from a primarily multilateral WTO focus to a bilateral agreement focus in 2005).

The TTIP goes much further than any previous EU ‘trade’ agreement in deregulating, in establishing the rights of transnational corporations and in undermining the ability of governments to control corporations. It is set to completely change our society, and is already in process, as with the NHS.

What is also Concerning is that this all seems to be going on almost in secret, with hardly any consultation and at Break-neck speed. That is Democracy for you US style……


Please Sign This if you Don’t want Global Corporations ruling over us…

I even notice that for the first time in history US Warships with Ballistic missiles are to be based in Spain, Russia is very concerned about START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) Treaty and what kind of signal this sends out from washington?



See This piece by George Monbiot in the Guardian:


Occupy also have some good resources here:


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Here we go again, how can such behaviour be rewarded? I thought criminal activity was just that? Not rewarded… https://www.greenisp.net/blog/here-we-go-again-how-can-such-behaviour-be-rewarded-i-thought-criminal-activity-was-just-that-not-rewarded/ Sat, 25 Jan 2014 16:06:24 +0000 http://www.greenisp.net/blog/?p=470 Hi there. Again, another CEO rewarded at a time when everyone else has to cut back, have so called austerity forced upon them (theft basically). We need to see this stop don’t we? http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-dimon-pay-raise- Here’s the Guy heralded as one to aspire to, well in that case lets get robbing then or do a few […]

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Hi there.

Again, another CEO rewarded at a time when everyone else has to cut back, have so called austerity forced upon them (theft basically).

We need to see this stop don’t we?


Here’s the Guy heralded as one to aspire to, well in that case lets get robbing then or do a few shady deals, see what reward you get for that when caught?


Make your own mind up???

Comments please…


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Happy 1st Birthday Rasberry Pi. https://www.greenisp.net/blog/happy-1st-birthday-rasberry-pi/ https://www.greenisp.net/blog/happy-1st-birthday-rasberry-pi/#comments Fri, 01 Mar 2013 15:11:20 +0000 http://www.greenisp.net/blog/?p=364 RASPBERRY PI reached its first birthday yesterday. The £22 bare-bones computer was unveiled to the world and went on sale on 29 February 2012, but as last year was a leap year we’ll count today as its birthday, as is traditional. In its first year on sale, the Raspberry Pi has taken the world by […]

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RASPBERRY PI reached its first birthday yesterday.

The £22 bare-bones computer was unveiled to the world and went on sale on 29 February 2012, but as last year was a leap year we’ll count today as its birthday, as is traditional. In its first year on sale, the Raspberry Pi has taken the world by storm.








The tiny Linux computer, which was developed as a way to enthuse school kids about technology and programming, has had a whirlwind first year. On its first day in the world, it managed to crash the websites of the two lucky British firms chosen to resell the machine, and then excited buyers were forced to wait for weeks before getting their hands on a Raspberry Pi as demand far outstripped supply.

And it gets better and cheaper?
A cheaper version of the bare-bones Raspberry Pi computer has gone on sale in Europe.The Model A lacks some of the features of the bigger version such as a network jack and has less memory. The Model A has also been designed to use less power to make it more suitable for projects involving robotics, remote sensors or which rely on solar power.Cutting out a few components means the gadget is even cheaper and now costs $25 (£16).

Source: The Inquirer and BBC.

More info:


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And there’s more from Max and Stacy https://www.greenisp.net/blog/and-theres-more-from-max-and-stacy/ Tue, 22 Jan 2013 20:13:30 +0000 http://www.greenisp.net/blog/?p=338 SOPA Remember? Comments? P. Tweet

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To add to the “Move your Money out of the Major banks, or Buy Gold” Post, Interesting and funny, a bit scary? https://www.greenisp.net/blog/to-add-to-the-move-your-money-out-of-the-major-banks-or-buy-gold-post-interesting-and-funny/ Tue, 22 Jan 2013 14:15:47 +0000 http://www.greenisp.net/blog/?p=335 Watch this, what is going on?? Max Keiser, he’s so excitable……great…. Comments please? Thanks. Tweet

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Watch this, what is going on??

Max Keiser, he’s so excitable……great….

Comments please?


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Could Ubuntu have come of age with Ubuntu Mobile? https://www.greenisp.net/blog/could-ubuntu-have-come-of-age-with-ubuntu-mobile/ Thu, 03 Jan 2013 01:10:30 +0000 http://www.greenisp.net/blog/?p=300 Hi there. For the technical minded out there…. a thought… I have been using Ubuntu and a couple of other Free and Open Source Linux based Operating systems for several years now and I truly believe they have come of age. Very secure, very stable, Free, open, network and server friendly plus most websites (including this one) sit on […]

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Hi there.

For the technical minded out there…. a thought…

I have been using Ubuntu and a couple of other Free and Open Source Linux based Operating systems for several years now and I truly believe they have come of age.

Very secure, very stable, Free, open, network and server friendly plus most websites (including this one) sit on Linux which is what Ubuntu is based on.

Now there is a Mobile Phone version which really could turn a few heads in 2013.


Try it, it,s free…. Unlike Windows…

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New Energy Technology – Breaking News https://www.greenisp.net/blog/new-energy-technology-breaking-news/ Sat, 08 Sep 2012 09:49:03 +0000 http://www.greenisp.net/blog/?p=250 On 6th September ambassadors of all nations were invited to review the space, energy, gravitational and medical technology that has been developed by the Keshe foundation. On 21 September the Keshe foundation will begin to release this technology to all scientists around the world simultaneously, for production and duplication. http://www.keshefoundation.org/en/introduction/the-keshe-foundation The Keshe foundationn is a […]

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On 6th September ambassadors of all nations were invited to review the space, energy, gravitational and medical technology that has been developed by the Keshe foundation. On 21 September the Keshe foundation will begin to release this technology to all scientists around the world simultaneously, for production and duplication.

Keshe Eco-Balance


The Keshe foundationn is a humanitarian non-profit organisation registered in Holland. The founder is an Iranian scientist Mehran Keshe who has spent his life researching plasma nuclear reaction. His work is spiritually founded. He has published for example, The Universal Order of Creation of Matters,The Structure of the Light and The Origin of the Universe. It would appear that Mehran has unlocked the intelligence of creation and the mechanisms behind the maintenance of energy, gravity and motion that has been achieved in the universe. According to its charter the Keshe Foundation and all its technologies are owned by the peoples of the world.

The world peace invitation and release of technology

Over 300 patents are registered and his work has been independently verified. It includes:

  • 3 to 10 Kw Plasma Power Generators that can be used to power homes and vehicles.
  • Plasma Gravitational Power Cells for hover cars and space flight.
  • Environmental decontamination using nuclear magnetic attraction.
  • Health solutions for the most serious diseases (See video testimonies).

The reaction of most governments has been to ignore or deny the invitation. A US decree signed by Obama has banned Keshe technology and attempts to illegalize access by scientists to Keshe research. Keshe technology poses a huge threat to the power monopoly exercised by governments and corporations who exercise their power monopoly over us. Keshe technology is responsible for the capture of the US military spy drone last December, technology the US does not have. Iran has no need to buy foreign energy, in this regard it is rare among nations as being energy and therefore also economically self-sufficient. This has been cause for the effort to take war to Iran.

The Keshe foundation is unique in its humanitarian intentions, but not alone.

On September 8-9 Andrea Rossi’s Energy Catalyzer COLD FUSION technology is launched in Zurich.

The ECAT 1 MW Plant is apparently available for pre-ordering now with an estimated delivery time of 3 months. The first generation of ECAT Home products will be available in 2013.  http://ecat.com/

Common sense tells us we do not take sides, however we should know that we, as people, receive this new technology by our own actions. Our governments in this regard, do not serve us.  Please forward this news item so that people can choose.

Keshe Foundation Introductory Promotional Video

Visit www.KesheSpace.com or http://www.KeshFoundation.com for more information about the healing, transportation and environmental implications of this exceptional work.

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Green ISP Launches new up to 80Mb/s Download / 20Mb/s Upload Fibre Broadband https://www.greenisp.net/blog/green-isp-launches-new-up-to-80mbs-download-20mbs-upload-fibre-broadband/ Mon, 11 Jun 2012 21:57:53 +0000 http://www.greenisp.net/blog/?p=230 Hello Folks. Getting ready and in advance of our 10th Birthday, Green ISP is proud to anounce the launch of our new “Super Fast – Green Fibre” up to 80Mb/s Download / 20Mb/s upload Fibre Broadband (FTTC )services to UK customers, starting from £27.99 for up to 40Mb/s download and 2Gb/s upload with 30GB data per month this […]

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Hello Folks.

Getting ready and in advance of our 10th Birthday, Green ISP is proud to anounce the launch of our new “Super Fast – Green Fibre” up to 80Mb/s Download / 20Mb/s upload Fibre Broadband (FTTC )services to UK customers, starting from £27.99 for up to 40Mb/s download and 2Gb/s upload with 30GB data per month this is real value, for Exreme use our top service has up to 80Mb/s download and 20mb/s upload with a massive 500GB use for £64.99 per month.

See: http://www.greenisp.net/fttc_sdsl.htm for more details.



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