Comments on: Here is one of my favourite comedy quotes (not funny really, just true). Green ISP News and stories, subscribe to news Sun, 09 Oct 2011 19:10:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paul Sun, 09 Oct 2011 19:10:38 +0000 Good point Julie IF the word “Dream” was in the quote?
Maybe your dreaming? I think Bill is suggesting we are all on a rollercoaster ride and some of us get off??
I think your actaully saying the same thing as Bill?

By: julie rose Sun, 09 Oct 2011 16:10:17 +0000 the thing is guys, if its not real then there’s nothing to be worried about, we can’t effect anything here anyway….all we can do is wake up from the dream and live in peace, releasing all our ideas of there being something wrong or something we have to do other than love one another. Judge nothing. Have fun, be happy!

By: Jonathan Sun, 09 Oct 2011 11:32:49 +0000 How true Paul – You know I think about this every day. So many of us with “Green” interests and business also wonder about the ride, this merrygoround, care about our families and ask is this real? It´s gone past wondering, for me. Like you I took a decision to ´opt into´ an alternative way of living, be less involved in the merrygoround and put down some greener roots and grow an ethical business.

It´s why I took up gardening and Bee keeping. Is there anyone who feels the same, it would be good to hear from the GreenIsp community ‘?
