The financialisation of absolutely everything? 1

Hello again, I urge you to read Will Hutton’s piece and watch Hypernormalisation….

Isn’t it amazing that in this age of amazing new economic prosperity and betterment that our Government seems to have to cut back and scrape for all the basics including homes and health and wages for ordinary people.

This is a class war, a confiscation and transfer of wealth, a plan that has now created more inequality, massive profits for billionaires and Corps while everyone else has to buy the idea that the semi-engineered 2008 finance crisis and the badly managed pandemic are to blame.

Utter nonsense, we have all been duped and tricked with spin and theatre, with lies and the double talk only fictional in the novel 1984 has now become a reality.

Brexit started just about then, 40 odd years ago, when Free Market Economics were (and still are) seen as the fix for absolutely everything, a very dogmatic approach, until now recently when struggling privatized utilities look better nationalized.

Have we been pacified with consumerism and gadgets so much that we no longer need to do anything as in “a brave new world”.

The financialisation of absolutely everything which really got a massive steroid boost during the Thatcher and Regan era on 80’s has really had a damaging effect, i have seen this develop with my own senses for the last 40 odd years, I really don’t like to say “I told you so” but it’s all come true.

I think Will Hutton has a good solid theory.

Like in the Documentary by Adam Curtis “Hypernormalisation” I believe we may be on the brink of it here in the UK?

We are living in a trance, a dreamworld of total denial with absolutely no vision whatsoever….

What is this to do with Green Issues and ethics? Just take a look around you…..?

There must be something better that this, surely.

I live in hope and optimism.

Peace and love.

Green ISP.

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