1: Introduction |
Green ISP is an Internet
Services Company: |
2: Contact details |
Postal address of major office:
Customer service phone number(s): 01422303505
Web site:http://www.greenisp.net |
3: Terms and conditions, including prices and tariffs |
Broadband ADSL connectivity.
Pricing information: FTTC ADSL from £19.00 Contract conditions: One
month notice |
Access |
Products can be accessed: Online at http://www.greenisp.net
Pricing information |
Broadband ADSL connectivity. Pricing information: FTTC ADSL from £19.00
Contract conditions |
Standard conditions: |
4: Customer service |
Compensation or refund policy |
We work in a fair and ethical
way in ensuring that our customers receive fair and satisfactory compensation
for any loss of service, we will work with individual customers to provide
the agreed level of compensation or refund. |
Complaint handling process |
Complaint handling process: You are also welcome to make
a formal written complaint in the first instance if you wish. |
Alternative dispute resolution procedure |
If we have not resolved your
complaint to your satisfaction after 12 weeks or if you have received a
letter from us saying that your complaint has reached “deadlock”, you may
make a complaint through Otelo, an independent alternative dispute resolution
scheme. We can provide you with details of this service. |
5: How to obtain this Code of Practice |
Code of Practice is published on our Web site at: Additional copies are available on request and free of charge to any domestic and small business customer. |
6: Contact details of related organisations |
CEDR - CISAS 70 Fleet Street https://www.cedr.com/consumer/cisas/ cisas@cedr.com 02075203814
7: Additional information |
This Code has been approved by Ofcom for the purposes of
section 52 of the Communications Act 2003. The Guidelines for producing codes
of practice are on Ofcom’s Web site at http://www.ofcom.org.uk/telecoms/ioi/g_a_regime/gce/ccodes/ccodes.pdf |