Green ISP Environmental Policy
“As a provider of Internet and related services we recognise that our operations have an effect on the local, regional and global environment and as in our Mission Statement http://www.greenisp.net/about.htm “we have vision of being securely placed to meet the understanding and requirements of our fast changing world and environment .”
Commitment to Continuous Improvement.
“As a consequence of the above, we are committed to continuous improvements in environmental performance and the prevention and reduction of pollution, waste, Carbon Dioxide emissions and the use of paper and other non re-usable equipment.”
Specific Policies:
Use of environmental management tools ;
“We will implement our policies through a coordinated environmental management system involving external bodies to advise and assist.”
Energy use
“The company will use (where possible) environmentally friendly and sustainable energy sources to meet our needs. We will invest in improved energy efficiency of products we use, all our offices will be solar powered.”
Responsibility for products ;
“The company considers the environmental impacts of its products at all stages of their life cycle - from design, to manufacturing, customer use, and finally disposal, we will recycle all our office equipment by involving PC Recycle initiatives.”
Recycling ;
“The company maintains that a primary part of its environmental strategy is sustainable waste management and as such recognises its responsibilities to recycle materials wherever possible, paper will be from sustainable managed forests where possible if not possible we will use recycled paper.”
Disposal of waste ;
“We will minimize waste, especially hazardous waste, and whenever possible recycle materials. We will dispose of all waste through safe and responsible methods.”
The supply chain ;
“We will work with our suppliers to ensure they recognise and reduce the environmental impact of their products and transportation.”
Training personnel ;
“We will implement our policies through guidelines and training”.
Targets and goals ;
“The company will set environmental targets and goals designed to improve our environmental performance.”
Transportation ;
“Through coordinating routes we have decided that all employees will not be provided with a company car, all employees will be assisted (financially) to use public transport (unless impossible).”
Emissions ;
“The company is committed to reducing emissions from all of its processes, we are already Co2 Neutral.”
Legislative Compliance:
“Environmental regulations, laws and codes of practice will be highly regarded when assessing standards of environmental performance, we also aim to influence the IT and Internet services sector and set the standards that others follow regarding sustainable development and renewable energy resources etcetera.”
Human Rights:
“Green ISP and related companies realise that a strong awareness of environmental impact and our planet’s well being has synergy with an understanding of “Human Rights”, therefore we will strive to have respect for the human rights employees which services we may need to utilise throughout or operations (where practicably possible), therefore we aim to not use companies who may use staff in countries where people may be exploited, we aim to use staff and resources in the UK (even if there may be a cost implication), please note that this may be reflected in our pricing structure as personnel in the UK tend to cost more than those in Asia for example.
This policy is intended to serve as a guide for the future but is subject to improvement and change at any time, all policy will be implemented where it is practicably possible.